DIY Setup Help

Many users want to try our Free Trial or cheaper DIY plan to try and get familiar with the service, or save some money on it. 

The DIY plan isn't very hard to setup. 


For TV's:
You will need a Smart TV that has access to the Android App Store. Not all TV's have this ability. You can also use external boxes such as Apple TV, any Android TV, Xbox or Playstation. 

For Tablets, Phones, Handhelds:
It's very simple to get IPTV on your device. You just need to check your App Store for IPTV Apps. Check below for our recommendation on apps. 


Getting an IPTV App:

You will need an IPTV app. There are many choices out there, but which one that works best will be up to you. Personally we like TiVi Mate, But it's an Android TV only app. A good alternative is IPTV Smarters Lite. There are many paid options out there as well, but we would advise checking to make sure it's exactly what you want before purchasing it. 


Once you sign up, you will be sent an email with all the information you need to setup your IPTV app. 

The easiest way to setup the app is using a method called "XStream" in most apps. This simply asks for a domain, username, and password. 
All this is sent to you via email on signup. 

Alternatively, you can use the M3U and EPG links to configure your app. This is more complicated because you have to type the link out manually in most cases. We suggest using the M3U Plus link, as this will let you separate the channels into categories and make it easier to sort through all the channels. If you use this method you MUST input the EPG as well, or you will not get channel data. Both M3U Plus and EPG links are provided in your initial setup email. 


If you need any assistance getting your device configured to watch IPTV, Simply open a support ticket and we will be glad to try to assist. 

While each app is different, we may not have all the answers to issues you are running in to, but we will try to assist in any way we can. 

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